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Connect with new friends in your new city!


Let’s make some new friends & start exploring Chattanooga, TN! 

Whether you’re searching for your new favorite local spot or hoping to meet your next best friend, you’re in the right place. We’re here to help you connect with new friends & your new city — one adventure at a time! 💛

New2nooga happenings

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N2N Hops Starting in April!

Find your new BFFs right here in Chattanooga!

Be the first to know when New2Nooga Hops registration opens up by signing up below.

Have a Question?
We Have Answers!

What is New2Nooga?

New2Nooga is your one stop shop to making Chattanooga feel like home! We’re here to help you make new friends & explore your new city 🤩 You can do so in person via New2Nooga Hops (our faaavorite) & on the interwebs via @new2nooga 🕺

What are New2Nooga Hops?

New2Nooga Hops are designed to help you build real, actual friendships while getting a taste of local businesses! You get to explore your new city and build community as you hop around Chattanooga for five weeks with the same 6-12 people.

Your friendly Hop Host will help break the ice and be your personal friendship guru as you experience some of Chattanooga’s favorite businesses. And let’s be real, sometimes hanging out with new people is just awkward – but by week five, you’ll be old pals (and Chattanooga experts to boot!).

Hops include sips & snacks at a new location each week, incentives to explore Chattanooga, and plenty of intentional friendship-makin’.

How can I get involved?

Scroll down to sign up for the New2Nooga Newsletter! You’ll be the first to know about upcoming events, be able to register for New2Nooga Hops & moooore 🙌

What if I'm not new to Chattanooga?

No worries! Hops are designed to help people build community & get to know/fall in love with Chattanooga. If you’re in a season where you’re looking for some new friends & a fresh perspective of your city, you’re invited 😊

What happens after I sign up for a Hop?

New2Nooga Hops are first come, first serve! Once you sign up for your Hop, make sure to put the dates in your calendar! We will follow up via email as your Hop gets closer with next steps and details on your group, leaders, and first experience.

Anything else I should know?

Each Hop happens one night a week for five weeks. We ask that you can commit to at least four of those five weeks so everyone has the best chance at friendship-makin’!

In the same vein, we keep these Hops intentionally small, which can make backing out a bit of a bummer for everyone!

With that in mind, here’s the refund policy:
If you cancel… 

30+ Days Before Night 1: 100% refund

14-30 Days Before Night 1: 50% refund

Less than 14 Days Before Night 1: No Refunds (but you may have the option to transfer to a future Hop).

When you sign up for a Hop, we suggest putting it in your calendar immediately so you’re fully ready for all the fun!

Where did this idea come from?

New2KNOX has been connecting new folks to new friends, fun events & beloved local businesses up in Knoxville for 8+ years now. It came to be when we realized moving to new cities & making friends as an adult is… hard. Life is hard enough so we decided to do something about it 😆 (You can learn more about our story here!)

BUT now you in Chattanooga get to connect with new friends & your new city as well! Liz is a Cleveland local who is now back & falling in love with Chattanooga anew as an adult, She’s bringing the New2Knox concept down here to Chattanooga & we couldn’t be more thrilled about it! 🙌

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