Knoxville Friendship Orientation
The 4th Annual Young Adult FairWe are SO excited to host our 4th annual ⭐️ KNOXVILLE FRIENDSHIP ORIENTATION ⭐️ (formerly known as the Young Adult Fair).
But what exactly is a Knoxville Friendship Orientation? Soooo glad you asked 😉🙌
We all loved going to freshmen orientation in college and learning about all the fun ways to get involved on campus, right? Well, it’s high time people post-college get to experience that too. The Knoxville Friendship Orientation is the one stop shop for anyone post-undergrad to find community right here in Knoxville, TN. Local organizations and businesses (specifically those who make it easy to get connected and build community) will gather outside Crafty Bastard-Baker Creek & 71 South in South Knoxville on Sunday, September 8th from 2-4PM. Expect plenty of booths and fun things to do – all with a delicious local beer in hand. We’re thinkin’ scholastic book fair but instead we’re findin’ friends & fun new hobbies, y’know?
You’ll have a chance to meet representatives from places like the running community, networking organizations, various sport leagues, New2Knox (duh😂) and so much moooooore. (We’re making super sure there will be something for everyone!)
We can’t wait to help you get plugged into new community. It’s all going down on Sunday, September 8th from 2-4pm. See you theeeeere!
PS. If you think you may be a good fit to host a booth at this event, let us know by filling out this form!