Market Square Madness
🏀MADNESS🏀Y’aaaaall! If you made it to Market Square Madness the past couple years, you know how legitimately awesome this event is. In order to get us all collectively pumped up for basketball season, UT Athletics ✨transforms✨ Market Square in Downtown Knoxville into a freaking basketball half-court. DJ Sterl will be there along with the Pride of the Southland Band Drumline, the Tennessee dance team, and of course, the main event – this year’s Vols & Lady Vols! There will be contests & challenges, fun things like face painting & Smokey hangs, maybe even firewooooorks??? It’s all going down on Friday, October 18th and trust us when we say… IT IS VERY COOL. (Oh, and all this good stuff is comin’ at you for freeeeee free free.)