Emilie Stooksbury
7 Best Spots to Watch a UT Football Game
Looking for the best spots to watch a University of Tennessee football game in Knoxville? (Even if you’re not the biggest fan of football?) We got you. If you live in Knoxville, you already know leaves aren’t the only things turning orange when fall hits East Tennessee. No, everything from overalls to menu items get a bright orangey hue. Live here long enough (ie. live here during football season at all), and Vol football will impact your life somehow, we guarantee it. We may not give two hoots about football, but we do give two hoots about Knoxville – so if Knoxville loves her football, we’re happy to jump in with her! 😆 Whether you’re a huge fan of football, you’re a huge fan of your friends who want to watch football, or you’re just a good sport who wants to experience something quintessentially Knoxville, here are 7 of our favorite spots to watch a University of Tennessee football game in Knoxville, Tennessee.

1.) Neyland Stadium
CAMPUS: This is obvious, right? There’s nothing quite like experiencing the energy, traditions, and hometown pride of a game at Neyland. If you’re new to Knoxville and just dipping your toes in, we first suggest learning when to say “woo!” during Rocky Top. Second, we suggest going to game against a small school no one cares about. Tickets will be cheaper and, since there is a higher chance of winning, fans will be happier. Win/win! Finally, we suggest checking out this article of 5 Things to Know Before Your First UT Game.

2.) Yee-Haw Brewing Co
NORTH KNOX: We were not READY for Yee-Haw galloping onto the scene last year 😂🙌 Their jumbotron has been a siren song of sorts, luring in humans from all over Knoxville to see both cinema & sports on a larger-than-life, vibrantly colorful, magical screen. It’s mesmerizing, we’ll admit. And the energy on game day? ⚡️ELECTRIC⚡️ You know why weee keep going back though? That hot chicken, baby. That’s our siren song. See you there.

3.) Schulz Brau Brewing Co
NORTH KNOX: Quite literally just around the corner is Schulz Brau Brewing. This German biergarten is a good spot to hang any day, so if your friends want to watch the game, we suggest pointing them here. You can enjoy one of our favorite patios (all the tables, benches and chairs were legitimately imported from Germany!) and a delish Hefeweizen while your buddies take in a game on the big screen. And yes, that sucker is big. When the whole biergarten erupts in cheers, you can’t help but cheer along. And when it’s happening during their Oktoberfest celebrations, it’s somehow even sweeter. Prost!

4.) Hi-Wire Brewing & SouthSide Garage
SOUTH KNOX: Hi-Wire Brewing makes football fans happy since they play the game on all their TVs and project it onto the big screen. It’s also loud, so celebratory cheers are even more celebratory (and awkward woops-we’re-losing silences are a little less awkwardly silent). However, Hi-Wire also makes non-football fans happy with plenty of other activities (ping pong! soccer pool! foosball! etc!) and, of course, a great tap wall available.
Speaking of which, how do we feel about a two-for-one? Because just down the street, SouthSide Garage is also one of our favorite atmospheres for game day. Their backyard is pristine, their game day specials are impressive, their televisions are set to the correct channels, and if all else fails, they’ve got a bocce court 😂

5.) Kerns Food Hall
SOUTH KNOX: In a different stretch of South Knoxville, Kerns Food Hall has hit the scene in her own fabulous way! Their big ole screen on the green may be good for movie nights, but she shiiiiiiines on game day. Plus you can have your choice of food vendors, a whole brewery, plennnty of shopping (even a nail salon!) if you get bored – all in one convenient location. Everybody’s happy. (Everybody’s a HAIR less happy since they announced paying for parking, but trust us, it’ll still be a good ole Volunteer time 😂).

6.) Sports Bars
OLD CITY: If you want to truly jump in & embrace the sports bar thing, we applaud you for your bravery! You go, pal!! We suggest checking out Old City Sports Bar for two reasons. First, they’ve got that cute little balcony situation going on overlooking Central Ave. Second, they serve free Coors Light until the first score of the game. If there’s one thing about us, we love a deeeeal!

7.) Vol Village
CAMPUS: We’re takin’ it right back to where we started. If you weren’t able to get your hands on a ticket to a home game in Neyland Stadium, fear not! You can still meander over to campus & enjoy tons of traditions & festivities for freeeeee. At kickoff, just meander your cutie little bootie over to Vol Village. They’ve got food trucks, vendors, and most importantly for this list, the game projected in real time with the sites & sounds of the stadium right behind you. Best part? It is freeeeeee!
BEFORE YOU GO: This is truly just a microscopic sampling of all the spots to enjoy UT football games around Knoxville. Did we miss your favorite?? Shoot us a DM & maybe your top spot will be on the next list! See you at the next watch party… chatting at the snack table, obvi! 😉