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Freeee Coffee Cuppings

at Five & Hoek Coffee!
09 Aug
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Five & Hoek Coffee

Fridays always mean a lot of fun things are happening in Knoxville which means you need to get UP and CAFFEINATED and READY TO GOOOOoo 🙌  Thankfully, Five & Hoek Coffee is here to get your blood pumpin’ on this particular Friday!

While normally they offer [FREEEE] coffee cuppings from 1-2pm on the first Friday of each month, this month they’re switching it up & doing it on August 9th. It will still be in their bright & beautiful coffee shop and you’ll still get to learn all about coffee straight from the pros – from growing the beans to the roasting process to all the different notes & flavors you experience as you taste each brew.

LEARN MORE HERE & save your spot by clicking here!

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